Our Beliefs

We are a Pentecostal church and believe the gifts of the Spirit are for today. These are our 16 Fundamental Truths.

1.  The Bible is God's Word and His plan for us.

2.  There is one true God. God the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are one.

3.  Jesus is God's Son.

4.  Everyone has sinned.

5.  You can be a Christian because Jesus died for you.

6.  We obey and remember Jesus when we take Communion and are baptized in water.

7.  The baptism in the Holy Spirit is God's gift to us.

8.  When we are baptized in the Holy Spirit, we will speak in tongues.

9.  With God's help, we can become more like Jesus.

10. God uses the Church to do His work.

11. God uses spiritual leaders to help us grow.

12. God heals.

13. Jesus is coming soon.

14. For a thousand years, Jesus will lead a time of peace on earth.

15. Those who do not follow Jesus will be separated from God forever.

16. Those who follow Jesus will live with God forever.

For a more information please follow the link to our Assemblies of God General Council website: Fundamental Truths


What kind of church are you? 

We are part of the Assemblies of God based in Springfield, MO. and affiliated with Northern New England District of the Assemblies of God. 

When and where do you meet? 

We meet every Sunday morning at 10 am at 739 Main Street, Claremont, NH. We also offer semester-based discovery groups in the spring, summer and fall. You can also watch us online on our website or Facebook page at 10 am.

How long is your service? 

Our service is one hour and fifteen minutes.

What should I expect when I go to church? 

Expect to have fun. We laugh a lot. Come dressed casual. We like to wear jeans and t-shirts. 

What kind of music do you play? 

Our music is contemporary. No earplugs needed.

Do I have to do anything when I come? 

No. Come, sit back and relax, sip some coffee and enjoy the service.  Participate as much or as little as you are comfortable doing.

Do you have anything for the kids? 

Yes. We offer a nursery for kids 0-4 and Riverstone Kidz 5-12 during the service. 

What are community service projects? 

These are simple and practical ways in which we can serve our community by showing them the love of Christ. We do things like wash windshields, give Thanksgiving baskets away, and hand out bottles of water to thirsty people and so much more. 

Will I be accepted if I come? 

Our motto is "No perfect people allowed". You will definitely be welcomed. 

How do I become a member? 

You must attend Riverstone Church for 3 consecutive months and attend a membership class.